Energy Rebates

Port Moody, BC

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8 Total Reviews /files/rp-logo.png778-994-4724$1201 Ioco Rd, Port Moody BC

Rocky Point Heating and Air Conditioning: Rebates and Incentives

Heat Pump Residential Rebates

Up to 100% of the upgrade cost can be covered for households switching from natural gas or propane to an electric heat pump. This table shows the maximum rebates by income level and heat pump type.

Upgrade Type Income Level 1 Income Level 2 Income Level 3
Central ducted and 3-head multi-split heat pumps $16,000 $12,000 $10,500
2-head multi-split or 2 single-head mini-split heat pumps $14,000 $10,500 $8,000
Single-head mini-split heat pump $7,500 $5,500 $4,000
Air-to-water heat pump (space heating only) $16,000 $12,000 $10,500
Dual fuel ducted heat pump $15,000 $10,000 $10,000
Combined space and water heat pump $19,500 $16,500 $14,000
Electric service upgrade $5,000 $3,500 $1,500
Northern top-up for central ducted, dual fuel, multi-splits, 2 mini-splits, air-to-water and combined space and water $3,000 $3,000 N/A
Northern top-up for single head mini-split $1,500 $1,500 N/A

Dual Fuel System Rebates

These rebates are available for dual fuel heating systems, combining an electric heat pump with a gas furnace. Ensure your equipment meets the eligibility requirements listed below.

Upgrade Rebate Requirements
Dual fuel system $10,000 • SEER ≥ 16; HSPF (Region IV) ≥ 10.00 or SEER2 ≥ 15.20; HSPF2 (Region IV) ≥ 8.50
• Variable speed compressor not required
• Minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 tonne)
Northern top-up $3,000 • Eligible homes must be located north of and including the District of 100 Mile House (latitude 51.628°N)
Kelowna municipal top-up Up to $2,000 • The Kelowna municipal top-up is now fully subscribed and no longer available to new applicants.
Two-upgrade bonus $300 • Install an eligible dual fuel system and make an additional Home Renovation Rebate upgrade to qualify for the $300 two-upgrade bonus.
Connected thermostat $150 • Maximum of one connected thermostat rebate
• Check eligible connected thermostats

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